Meet Misty, Your Business Consultant and Expert in Business Bookkeeping, Marketing, and WaveApps Training, specializing in managing online reputations and optimizing website search engine performance.

Misty offers her expertise on a fee-basis for public speaking engagements in Oregon, Washington, Western Idaho, and Northern California. She participates in numerous civic and private public speaking events. Audiences consistently praise Misty for her captivating and educational keynote presentations and seminars, as well as her knack for demystifying the complexities of business bookkeeping, marketing, and WaveApps training, all delivered with a touch of humor.
Misty’s relaxed and accessible teaching style has introduced the world of business bookkeeping, marketing, and WaveApps training to a multitude of small businesses, civic organizations, and private enterprises across Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Those who have followed her guidance and instruction have enjoyed significant improvements in their online visibility, resulting in increased revenue, heightened awareness, and relevant web traffic.
Interested in having Misty speak at your company event or business bookkeeping, marketing, or WaveApps training conference? She is available as a presenter, panelist, or keynote speaker, depending on her schedule. Rates vary, and she may consider speaking for free at non-profit events. For inquiries about this service, please send an email to Misty.
Experience the transformative power of Misty’s insights and enhance your business’s online presence and marketing strategies, as well as master the art of effective business bookkeeping and WaveApps training.
Read Bio:About Misty
What they are saying about Misty Lambrecht;
Public Speaking and Classes:
“Misty is passionate about what she is doing and it is reflected in her teaching. She is knowledgeable, energetic, and accessible.”
Linda Roy Executive Director
Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce
Top qualities: Expert, Good Value, High Integrity
“Misty provides excellent social networking and Google training for a wide variety of business and community members. She is personable, knowledgeable, and creative in teaching these important skills.”