Adding users to your WordPress site can let others help you manage content without giving out your password. I recommend that you have more than one user with admin access to any WordPress website. This will protect you in the event you lose access are unable to access the emailContinue Reading

Adding and editing the sidebar or widget area of a wordpress website is covered in this video the actions are the same, however different themes have options for different for widget areas some have footer areas, and others have different options for sidebars. See the widget area of your themeContinue Reading

The Lesson of Too Many Customers: Most of my clients want customers, lots of customers, as many customers as they can get. The truth is; I don’t really need that many customers and sometimes too many customers become overwhelming.  When they do and you’re not able to provide for theContinue Reading

The video is based on “the event calendar” plugin of wordpress, This plugin includes link mall and adding events to google calendar for the end user. it is also easy to add uncoming events to a sdie panel widget covered in the Widget videoContinue Reading

This video covers adding a product to the woo commerce shopping cart plugin on wordpress, It includes adding categories, variable products, sizes, color options, and pricing, and inventory.Continue Reading