WooCommerce vs Shopify

WooCommerce instead of Shopify, are you ready?

Are you considering moving your store from Shopify to WooCommerce?

Why choose WooCommerce instead of Shopify

Here are a few reasons you might want to switch from Shopify to WooCommerce:

More control over your store

WooCommerce allows you to have full control over your website. It’s open-source, which gives you the power to customize it as much as you’d like. You can create exactly the store you want without limitations. 

Search engine optimization.

WooCommerce allows you to edit every single aspect of your SEO, no matter how technical. 

Transaction fees 

And, unlike WooCommerce, Shopify charges additional transaction fees for all third-party gateways. After you’ve worked hard to create fantastic products and market them to new customers, the last thing you want is to narrow your profit margins. Even for small stores, additional transaction fees can amount to thousands of dollars in lost revenue. 


While Shopify allows you to export customer data and orders, you have to pay a fee to back up your website design and settings. WooCommerce, however, has a variety of excellent, free backup options.

Here’s some of the data that can be migrated:

  • Product data, like names, SKUs, descriptions, prices, weights, and variants.
  • Product category information, including names, descriptions, and URLs.
  • Customer names, emails, and addresses.
  • Order information, like dates, IDs, statuses, quantities, discounts, and shipping details.
  • Coupon names, codes, and discounts.
  • Blog post information, such as titles, descriptions, dates, URLs, content, and images.
  • Page titles, dates, URLs, and statuses.

Contact us to begin the your migrate to WooCommerce from Shopify
